Cape Town, South Africa (May 2015)

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Cable car up Table Mountain. They have rolling blackouts of power all over South Africa, so we had to wait 30 minutes before they could get the generator operating. The cable car rotates so you get a panoramic view during your ride.

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A great view of Capetown and Robben Island (and the Atlantic Ocean).

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Some pretty steep hiking.

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Table Mountain with the clouds moving in.
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District Six where during Apartheid they destroyed all the homes and moved the less desirable people out to townships. Only the churches didn’t get leveled.

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Castle of Good Hope

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The University of Cape Town’s Graduate School of Business is in a former prison. We heard from some very interesting professors about business in South Africa.

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The University of Stellenbosch–classes are still taught in Afrikaans. We heard from an anthropology professor who is in charge of the Centre for Chinese Studies. China has played a big role in Africa recently.

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We drove by some townships on the way back to Cape Town. Extreme poverty.

A few of us got to go to Robben Island where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for a long time.

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Inside Mandela’s cell.

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We had an evening at the US General Consul’s house with Ambassador Teddy Taylor and other foreign service officers. Very smart people.

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LDS Chapel in Fish Hoek.

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Cape of Good Hope and Cape Point (a little further South)–the southern tip, where the Atlantic and Indian Ocean meet.
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A bit of a hike out to Cape Point.
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